Some other principals

Jeff Williams jwkckid1 at
Fri Jul 4 09:01:57 EDT 1997


  This was posted on pegan and napir originaly.  I just changed the
thread is all.  Sorry if it confused you, Scott.  I don't see any
deversion here at all.  Please review back on the original thread.  >;)

Scott Bradner wrote:
> well, there is a diversion from what we were talking about, I'd
> suggest that one thing be resolved at a time - we don't seem to
> be doing well enough with the current topics to warrent adding new ones.
> ----
> Lary and all,
>   Here are some other principals for consideration...
>  Here are a couple of other "Principals" I have picked up
> in my life that may be of some assistance to all...  If I may
> be so bold?
> 1.) Board members should serve at, and in the intrest of the membership
>     and the user Internet user community, and therby be selected by
> them,
>     to serve as long and only as long as they continue to SERVE the
>     Membership and the Internet user community.
> 2.) That these board members, be selected, by vote, one man/woman one
>     vote.  That they can be removed if that membership and Internet
>     user community so choses at any time upon request of any member
>     or user by proposition or request therunto.  This is to insure
>     that those board members have the support of the majority of
>     all that are influenced, affected, or otherwise disposed.
> 3.) Be it resolved that all Board members, at large members are
>     also at the service of the Internet users, fo which the Internet
>     exists as a community, for which those Board members and at
>     large members are deemed responsible too.  And that that
> responsibility
>     be monitored, all policies be published as widely as is possible,
>     that those meetings and other and all discussions be recorded, and
>     published on a mailing list avalible to all Internet users.
> 4.) That the mailing list(S) be publicated on free public and other
>     sources and a regular basis, so that Internet users are incouraged
>     to monitor or participate.
> 5.) That that mailing list or mailing lists, have a code of conduct
>     desinged for reasonable discourse, and those conduct be enforced
>     in such a manner that it is fair and reasonable to all and reviewed
>     on a bi-anual basis for improvment perposses.

Jeffrey A. Williams
DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java Development Eng.
Information Eng. Group. IEG. INC. 
Phone :913-294-2375 (v-office)
E-Mail jwkckid1 at

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