Justin's proposed changes.

Stephen Satchell satchell at ACCUTEK.COM
Tue Jan 28 15:40:47 EST 1997

At 7:40 PM 1/26/97, Michael Dillon wrote:
>           I am for the motion.
>           I am opposed to the motion but willing to go along.
>           I am against the motion.

I look with some distaste at this proposal.  If the goal is concensus, and
if more than one person is not satisfied with the proposal, you should work
harder to find a solution that is at least equally distasteful to everyone.

In my experience, just one dissenting vote has led, in further
deliberation, to a solution that not only pleased the lone dissenter, but
also proved to be "Aha! insight" to the rest of the committee -- and proved
to be far more useful than either the original proposal or the "compromise"
that the lone dissenter wouldn't buy.

Just remember:  "The impossible just takes a little longer."

Stephen Satchell, Satchell Evaluations
<http://www.accutek.com/~satchell> for contact and other info
Opinions stated here are my PERSONAL opinions.

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