Perpetuating IPv4?

Paul Ferguson pferguso at CISCO.COM
Mon Jan 27 17:48:20 EST 1997

IPv8 is a by-product of Jim Fleming's active imagination,
and it remains to be seen when and/or if IPv6 will become
a real, deployable possibility.

ARIN's immediate interest will be the allocation of IPv4,
and discussions concerning IPv6 (or any other version)
are not applicable on this list.

It should also be pointed out that the public perception of
an IPv4 address shortage is tainted by the popular press and
not quite accurate.

- paul

At 01:57 AM 1/25/97 -0500, Aveek Datta wrote:

>I've looked over the new proposal and website, and overall I also feel
>that its definitely a great improvment over the original one. However
>one question still remains. Isn't ARIN's plan perpetuating IPv4 and
>the starvation of IPs that will result? While I do not personally know
>much about IPv6 or IPv8, it does seem that at least the former is coming
>of age and might be useable in the not so far future.
>Is ARIN's plan to continue to 'stick' with IPv4 as long as possible,
>basically "rationing" out IP addresses? Or is there any plans to switch
>to systems with less starvation problems?
>I apologize if I'm missing a crucial step here; my knowledge of IP comes
>from discussions on domain names that go off-topic. :)
>Aveek Datta, Net.Admin ML.ORG Free Domain Services
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