Proposed changes to the proposal WAS:Re: I see the Web page has been updated today..

Eric Kozowski kozowski at STRUCTURED.NET
Sun Jan 26 22:24:39 EST 1997

>I'm still curious as to how a BoT selected committee is the voice of the
>membership.  I would like to recommend the following changes to the
>1) It is explicitly stated that after the originally BoT appointed AC's
>terms expire (terms which are not explicitly stated in the current draft)
>the new AC is selected by the members from among member nominated choices.
>(self-nomination is allowed).
>2) No BoT or AC member can hold a paid position inside the non-profit.
>(There is too much conflict of interest there).  If we /have/ to have a BoT
>or AC member that works for the non-profit it should definatly be a
>non-voting position.
>3) The originally appointed BoT cannot make any changes to the original
>by-laws (which is what I am assuming this proposal is going to become)
>without a membership vote.  This prevents the BoT from making changes which
>could in effect change all of the progress that has been made in this
>proposal (yes, this proposal is a BIG improvement over the last one).
>4) A mechanism is added for removing deadwood BoT or AC members who are not
>pulling their load or are acting against the best interests of the membership.
>So, what do you all think?

Justin, well thought out list of proposed changes.  Since it looks like
ARIN is going to happen in one form or another, I agree that these changes
should be added.

Your item #4 obviously needs to be expanded on a bit.  

How do you determine who is "deadwood" or "not pulling their load"?  

Does that even need to be determined?  

Should a (super?)majority of the membership be able to fire BOT or AC 
members at will?

IMO, it is of the utmost importance that the BOT and AC are responsible to
the membership if ARIN is to come into existance and move forward smoothly
and without legal action pursued against it.

Eric Kozowski              Senior Network Engineer
eric at        Structured Network Systems, Inc.
(503)656-3235 FAX
(800)881-0962 Voice        
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