ARIN Proposal

Tim Bass themeek at LINUX.SILKROAD.COM
Sat Jan 25 22:08:44 EST 1997

Hi Karl,


I've submitted a paper to IEEE which discusses, factually, the problems
with provider based addressing based on CIDR.  The paper is full on
fact with minimal opinions (contrast this discussion list :)
based directly from RFC quotations, plus a discussion of
the 'anti-competitive' nature of provider based addressing as
*currently* implemented.  Also, are references from Stevens,
Comer, and most the other 'goodmen authors of IP books':

 \title{ Internet Exterior Routing Protocol Development:  
         Problems, Issues, and Misconceptions }

The paper has over 40 references, in fact, it has just about
all relevent IEEE references on the subject, I could find.

In addition, there is an appendix on the Telephone Call Routing
Model and one on Anti-Competiveness in Telecom (based on
Frieden's Artech House book).

Unfortunately, the file is only available to researchers, hence,
the format is postscript, gzipped.

Best Regards,



As a side note, while I'm in town and answering mail

.... After working of these issues for years, I also have a very
     concrete technical solution (very simple and came to me in
     a dream, during REM sleep, a few weeks ago)  for a scalable global
     routing paradigm (which works for both IPv4 and IPv6). However,
     I'm so disenchanted with the way the IETF has handled ERP
     development, I'm planning to publish it only *after* applying
     for patent!  Sorry, but I'm not giving this away to our
     favorite router vendors for free (because they have argued
     vituperously to keep what they have, so let them keep it :)

However, there is really no need to charge for address space; well
no technical reason.... 

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