
Brett L. Hawn blh at NOL.NET
Sat Jan 25 09:21:20 EST 1997

So I'm sitting here reading where Gabriel Battista clains that NSI has lost
money with Internic the past 2 years in a row and I'm wondering to myself
about several things:

1: If they're _losing_ money, just how is it that they can afford to throw 9
   million dollars into the pot to start ARIN?

2: How incompetent do you have to be to lose money on a virtual monoply that
   everyone in the northern hemisphere has to go to? (exluding the obvious
   .us TLDs and the every so laughable alternic)

3: Should we allow someone this incompetent to have _any_ say so in
   something as crucial as ARIN?

[-]                Brett L. Hawn (blh @ nol dot net)                       [-]
[-]                Networks On-Line - Houston, Texas                       [-]
[-]                           713-467-7100                                 [-]

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