ARIN Proposal

Paul Ferguson pferguso at
Fri Jan 24 02:02:02 EST 1997

At 11:11 AM 1/23/97 -0600, Karl Denninger wrote:

>HOWEVER, CISCO currently wastes about 50% of that RAM allocation.  This I
>have *proven* by looking at other implementations and their RAM requirements.
>Assuming that CISCO tightens up their code (not unreasonable) I would expect
>to see that usage drop by perhaps 30% during that same time.


Can we please dispense with the "cisco is evil, never trust them,
they can't build boxes worth squat" bashing?

The last thing I had heard, this list was established to discuss
IP address allocation strategies with regard to ARIN; if you continue
to derail the discussion here, I certainly wouldn't be surprised to
see decisions being made with complete disregard to what Karl Denniger
thinks is important. I don't think you want that, and I would certainly
appreciate the opportunity to work with you, as opposed to working
against you.

But what the hell.

- paul

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