Let's be productive

Stephen Satchell satchell at accutek.com
Thu Jan 23 00:23:46 EST 1997

At 2:47 PM 1/22/97, James Smallacombe wrote:
>"Buried in some email archive"?  That's right up there with the assertion that
>understanding CIDR requires years of networking experience.  It's not obscure,
>it's a fact of life already.  If you're not already aware of it, than it's
>unlikely that ARIN will affect you directly.

One of my concerns is that there was no rationale for the proposal as
posted, which would include abstracts of the issues and how those issues
affect the proposal, as well as a bibliography of source material:  FAQs,
e-mail archives, digests, and white papers (should we be asking about
"white pages" or has that been trademarked?) for a deeper understanding.

I happen to feel that e-mail archives are virtually worthless for the
newcomer to a topic because there is no way to gauge the quality of the
information presented by each poster.  Now if you have a poiter to a DIGEST
of those e-mail messages, I'm very interested.

Productivity isn't just moving forward with the proposal.  It's also doing
the messy paperwork of backing up the proposal with concrete facts such
that the validity of the proposal becomes casual to the most obvious
observer...or is that the other way around?  I'm short on sleep from these
damn standards meetings...

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