Scaling ARIN proposal for small ISPs - and economic reality

David Hakala dhakala at
Tue Jan 21 11:15:48 EST 1997

-- [ From: David Hakala * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

> The issue is the amount of explicit route entries that the present
> generation of routers can handle.

I grok the issue, Jeremiah. I researched Sprint's blocking policy and the
related route flapping issues rather thoroughly when I edited Boardwatch

But that's a temporary technical problem - "the current generation of
routers" will yield to new technology. You can't perpetuate a nonprofit
organization with a transient purpose - and *every* organization seeks to
perpetuate itself.

I'm repeatedly told on this list that the purpose of ARIN's fees is to "fund
registry operations." A nice, uncontroversial and permanent goal. But no
one's revealed what registry operations cost - only what ARIN wants to
charge. And those charges patently favor large ISPs.

David Hakala
Editor In Chief
Cyber Week
dhakala at

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