Scaling ARIN proposal for small ISPs - and economic reality

Valdis.Kletnieks at Valdis.Kletnieks at
Tue Jan 21 11:44:31 EST 1997

On Tue, 21 Jan 1997 19:00:55 +0900, "David R. Conrad" said:
> >I thought the purpose of charging fees for IP addresses is to discourage
> >such waste?
> Nope.  It is to fund the registry.

Back on Sunday, Stephen Satchell posted a strawman economic analysis
of the costs of running ARIN.  Others have posted corrections
regarding his WAG numbers, but I'm pretty convinced that his estimate
of $2.5M/year is in at least the right ballpark.

Has anybody conducted an analysis of the expected registry load at the
currently proposed cost levels, and compared that to either Satchell's
numbers or other, more accurate business plans?  It might quell a lot
of concerns if we can avoid the sort of bad press that happened with
the "Domain Names will be a $300M/year cash cow" flamefests.

For that matter, (slightly off topic), are there any hard numbers
available on what the *actual* nameserver finances-to-date are?  If
so, they might be helpful to review to make sure the ARIN proposal is
in the right ballpark....

I can't speak for others, but I know that the $2.5M for a /8 certainly
made *me* blow a gasket on first reading.  And so far, I've not seen
any hard numbers that make me feel any better about it...

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Engineer
                                Virginia Tech

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