Paul Ferguson pferguso at
Tue Jan 21 09:11:19 EST 1997

At 08:38 AM 1/21/97 -0500, Jeff Binkley wrote:

>I tend to agree but it does bring up one question though.  Why would a
>Cisco employee be so interested in this ?  I don't see AT&T, MCI,
>Sprint, Bay Networks and others on this list posting comments on their
>position, yet many of them sit on the standards bodies.  Is this a
>personal thing or a Cisco sponsored thing ?

My interest & participation in this issue is of a personal nature and
a result of years of direct personal involvement in the Internet
community, and not as a cisco employee.

DISCLAIMER: My opinions expressed in this forum are not representative
of cisco Systems, Inc., and should not be construed as such.

Why would cisco care how numbers are allocated?

I believe if you check the subscription roster for this mailing list,
you'll see that employees from several (if not all) of the organizations
you mentioned above are subscribed to this mailing list. I just happen
to be a vocal, opinionated subscriber.

- paul

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