ARIN Proposal

The Innkeeper the_innkeeper at
Tue Jan 21 03:38:43 EST 1997

Hey Phil....Yes we are waiting....Where were you a few days ago???? Are you
still in the ozone????

> Obviously an answer from someone who doesn't have enough time on his
> to check the facts,  but does have time to toss off insulting one-liners.
> --->  Phil
> P.S.  Scott Bradner is someone who has dedicated a vast amount of time to
> the Internet, its growth, its operation and its success.  If it wasn't
> people like him this debate would not be happening because the Internet
> would not be happening.
> Most of the outcry about this proposal has been reactive by people who
> haven't taken the time to actually read the proposal, and haven't read
> list archives to see what is going on.  As issues have been explained,
> portion of the most vehment flamers are now okay with the basics of the
> proposal and are awaiting the second draft.  Do people realize that this
> discussion is only a few weeks old?  It has been public and will proceed
> with a speed effectively unmatched by most burocracy.
> Michael D. Bathrick supposedly said:
> >
> > Obviously an answer from someone in academia who has time on his hands
> > something that a working ISP doesn't have.
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > On Mon, 20 Jan 1997, Scott Bradner wrote:
> >
> > > >  The very fact that this has been taking
> > > > place in a nearly 'secret' manner (in other words - without those
> > > > this plan will affect the most being notified
> > >
> > > notified - like posting drafts of the proposal to open
> > > mailing lists for comment, you mean notification like that??
> > >
> > > Scott
> > >
> >

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