Membership Fee

The Innkeeper the_innkeeper at
Mon Jan 20 10:47:28 EST 1997

> My only concern at this point regarding the ARIN proposal (while we wait
> for Kim, anyways) is why the membership fee has to be so high.  I'm an
> individual who is quite interested in IP allocation issues and who would
> very much like to use any vote I might get to ensure that allocations are
> in the hands of people I feel appropriate.  However, as a high school
> geekoid searching for enough cash to get into university, I don't really
> have that ability, do I. :)
> I would prefer a model whereby ARIN membership could be expanded to
> include those hobbyists who care about abstract number assignments.
> While we aren't the ones likely to be multi-homed, the thought of an
> organization this powerful solely in the hands of the companies who want
> provider independant space doesn't sound appealing to me.
Very good point Billy....That is something that I am sure many folks out
there would like to see (myself included)...

Stephan R. May, Sr., Manager, Southeastern Online System Services
                 the_innkeeper at
Proud member of the Association of Online Professionals Board of Directors

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