ARIN Proposal

Kim Hubbard kimh at
Mon Jan 20 14:44:22 EST 1997


> > On Mon, 20 Jan 1997, David A. Dobbs wrote:
> >
> > > 1)      Why are the fees needed?  What has changed or is about to change that
> > > the formation of a new organization is needed?
> >
> >         It costs money to run a registry. What has changed is that NSI
> > has decided that the conflation of domain registry and IP address
> > registry is a bad thing.
> >
> So shouldn't there be a corresponding drop in the cost of domain
> registration since that function will no longer be hosted by NSI and
> their costs will go down accordingly, or is this just another scam to
> skim profits off ISPs?
> Marc

You know Marc, your first question was very legitimate - what I don't
understand is why you felt it necessary to include the second
part. *sigh*

To answer your legitimate question, I'm not really privy to domain
discussions but I believe NSI is reviewing this possibility, however,
keep in mind that the IP portion of the InterNIC is a pretty small
piece of the registration services currently supplied by NSI.


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