Reject the NAIPR

Michael Dillon michael at MEMRA.COM
Sun Jan 19 03:59:12 EST 1997

On Sat, 18 Jan 1997, Brett L. Hawn wrote:

> All ARIN does at this point is make it next to impossible for small ISPs to
> get started, and makes the existing fat cats that much fatter.

It has been pointed out that the ARIN fees would amount to something like
$20 per year by the time they trickle down to the small ISP's. I can't see
that having much effect on them getting started. In fact, I've seen some
accounts of very small ISP's starting up recently in Australia where the
similar pricing structure for IP adresses is already in place, so that
appears to indicate that these prices are not a disincentive for small
ISP's to start up.

Michael Dillon                   -               Internet & ISP Consulting
Memra Software Inc.              -                  Fax: +1-250-546-3049             -               E-mail: michael at

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