How costs will trickle down (if ARIN goes through)

Michael Dillon michael at MEMRA.COM
Fri Jan 17 20:07:47 EST 1997

On Fri, 17 Jan 1997, Jim Fleming wrote:

> @@@@@@@@

Anybody who is REALLY interested in the details can check that message and
the other messages in the day or two before and after. The whole story
should become clear if you follow through the thread over a couple of
days. You don't have to take my word for it because the discussions are
all in the public domain.

>             If you were at the meeting, you would have seen Bill
> Manning, when asked if we could pay the $1000 to IANA, stand up, excuse
> himself from the room and come back with an envelope. He gave us the
> envelope and we put the check in it. He told us to seal the envelope and
> he would place it in file along with our application.

You will note that Chris Ambler and John Frangie, who make this claim,
are both from the same company. If you read through the whole thread to
get the context you will find a list of other participants at the meeting
and you will note that neither Jim Fleming nor myself was there. But one
other participant at the meeting *DID* comment on the events and his
comments do *NOT* agree with what John Frangie said above.

Seems to me that Jim Fleming is once again lying by ommission and
dragging mud all over everything because he cannot get his own way.
And if you were to review the IAHC list (a voluminous task) you would see
that the people who Fleming has called as witnesses have made some
clearly incorrect statements on numerous occasions on that list. That is
why I cannot take the above statement by John Frangie seriously.

Michael Dillon                   -               Internet & ISP Consulting
Memra Software Inc.              -                  Fax: +1-250-546-3049             -               E-mail: michael at

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