"leasing" the addresses

Stan Barber sob at academ.com
Thu Feb 27 21:05:37 EST 1997


Thanks for the reference. However, you could have just put it in the message
once. There was no need to repeat it four times, especially since I don't see
how it addresses the other questions or requests for information or 
clarification. Specifcially, it  does not appear to clear up any of the 
questions about your claims that the folks involved with ARIN have no 
experience in cloning NICs, or provides any references about the history 
of the other NICs. Will you be able to address those for me?

It does help answer the first question about the legal proof about IANA.
Thanks for that. It will be a most interesting case to track.

Stan   | Academ Consulting Services        |internet: sob at academ.com
Olan   | For more info on academ, see this |uucp: {mcsun|amdahl}!academ!sob
Barber | URL- http://www.academ.com/academ |Opinions expressed are only mine.

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