ARIN Fragments the InterNIC

Jim Fleming JimFleming at
Sat Feb 22 17:00:38 EST 1997

On Saturday, February 22, 1997 1:55 PM, Jawaid Bazyar[SMTP:bazyar at HYPERMALL.COM] wrote:
@ >The current ARIN attempts to fragment the InterNIC are not in
@ >the best interest of the Internet. Instead, the InterNIC should
@ >be kept in tact and used as an educational model to help
@ >create additional "NICs" across the United States to spread
@ >the wealth and jobs around and to ensure better stability
@ >via distributed management.
@ >
@ >Folks, please face the facts. The U.S. Government controls
@ >the Internet.
@ This is utter rubbish!  The Internet is a collection of inter-operating
@ private computer networks. Period. The word "private" is very important
@ here, because as of several years ago no government money goes into funding
@ or controlling the private backbones. (Yes, the government maintains their
@ own networks, no surprise there).  Sprint owns their backbone, MCI owns
@ their backbone, UUnet etc etc and they all exchange traffic - that's the
@ "Inter" part of Internet.

"no government money"...? is $1.4 million...

> @@@
> Title       : Testbed Routers for Advanced Internet Lab (TRAIL)
> Type        : Award
> NSF Org     : NCR
> Latest
> Amendment
> Date        : August 27,  1996
> File        : a9615927
> Award Number: 9615927
> Award Instr.: Standard Grant
> Prgm Manager: Darleen L. Fisher
> Start Date  : October 1,  1996
> Expires     : September 30,  1999 (Estimated)
> Expected
> Total Amt.  : $1,499,999  (Estimated)
> Investigator: Herbert   Schorr   schorr at
>               Allison   Mankin
> Sponsor     : U of Southern California
>               University Park
>               Los Angeles, CA  900074363                  213/743-2311
> NSF Program : 4097     NETWORKING RESEARCH
> Fld Science : 31       Computer Science & Engineering
>               55       Engineering-Electrical
> Fld Applictn: 0206000  Telecommunications
> Abstract    :
>        USC/ISI will create and maintain TRAIL, Testbed Routers for Advanced
>      Internet Labs.  The TRAIL software will be a freely available, well
>      maintained, community research router source, featuring IPv6 in
>      particular.  The work will extend and leverage developments and facilities
>      of the  Collaborative Advanced Interagency Research Network (CAIRN),
>      organized by  ISI under current DARPA funding.  CAIRN is a T1, DS-3 and
>      OC-3 wide area  router testbed.    The software is for two classes of
>      hardware: 1) high performance but  low-cost personal computers, supporting
>      small numbers of router interfaces  and  2) specialized router hardware,
>      supporting the large numbers of  interfaces that are characteristic of
>      internet interconnect points, and  providing a realistic experimental
>      model of commercial IP routing  technology.    For the second class of
>      hardware, one vendor who supports such numbers of  high-speed interfaces
>      proved interested in donating full source code to be  used as the base of
>      TRAIL.  Therefore, the second class of hardware for  TRAIL is the
>      Ascend/Netstar, Gigarouter.  It supports 32 OC-3 ATM ports, or
>      combinations of ATM ports with 16 to 128 fast ethernet ports.    The
>      proposal focuses strongly on support of experimental users.  ISI's care
>      will be devoted to supporting their software, and maintaining and
>      distributing versions for PC alone, and for PC along with Gigarouter. ISI
>      will also maintain facilities for IPv6 networking research collaboration,
>      and coordinate the North American portion of the experimental IPv6
>      backbone, the "6bone".
> @@@@@

@ >It has always been that way and it will likely always
@ >be that way. It is a resource that many people depend on and
@ >businesses are investing because of the stability, security, and
@ >opportunities that the U.S. Government provides.
@ It used to be a government project. It is a resource that many people are
@ investing in and coming to depend on.
@ The last thing that a government bureaucrat provides is stability and
@ security - what kind of security is the word of a bureaucrat? They're gone
@ in 2 or 4 years and the next batch of rascals is in office, bending your
@ life to his will in the name of "the people".  Contracts between
@ individuals or corporations (enforced by the government) however are the
@ most reliable, sturdy social entity in the US. It is exactly private
@ contracts of this kind that have taken the Internet from what it was in
@ 1990, to the vastly larger and rapidly growing thing it is today.
@ In short, what controls the Internet are the companies and people that
@ built it and use it, and pay for it: primarily ISPs.
@ IP allocation is something that needs to be done, this activity needs to be
@ paid for, and the people that pay for it should be the people that use it:
@ ISPs.

I agree IP allocation needs to be done.

I have suggested that ARIN take ONE /8 and go do that
as a private company, enforced by the government, using
your words.

Why not have ARIN start small and prove the concept ?

It is called the "slow start" program for regional registries...

Jim Fleming
Unir Corporation

JimFleming at
JimFleming at unety.s0.g0 (EDNS/IPv8)

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