AOP Notification

Alan Barrett apb at IAFRICA.COM
Mon Feb 3 00:39:03 EST 1997

Dave McClure wrote:
> When we found out that it was a listserv we immediately sent a
> clarification to our members.

Thanks.  I didn't know about that.

> You can form AntiNICs to your heart's content, but so what?  Control
> of North American IP addresses and fees for the same will still be
> under the control of ARIN, which will be controlled by select group of
> self-perpetuating Trustees.

I don't think so.  Control is in the hands of whoever the community
chooses to trust.  That's part of how anarchy works.  The IANA and ARIN
know how anarchy works (or so I assume), and will therefore find it in
their best interests to act in such a way that they do not lose the
trust of the community.

> Note that under the current proposal, the Board of Trustees will
> elect new trustees from among candidates proposed by an Advisory
> Council.  The Advisory Council will, itself, be selected by the Board
> of Trustees.  That's a closed loop that provides for no direct input
> from the members of ARIN.

Yes, I agree that that might be a problem.  Perhaps it would be useful
if you proposed a concrete alternative?  (Or perhaps you have done so
already, and I don't remember it?)

> [various good points deleted]

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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