US CODE: Title 15, Chapter 1, Section 2.

Tim Bass themeek at LINUX.SILKROAD.COM
Sun Feb 2 01:37:50 EST 1997

Steve sincerely asks:

> Why not publish a peer-reviewed article in _Computer Communition Review_
> (ACM SIGCOMM) so that your pro-competitive IP routing paradigm can be
> discussed in academic circles?

The simple answer:

Publishing in ACM or IEEE Journals take a minimum of one year which
does not help the matter at hand, in my opinion.  

> It can also start research independent of the Internet Society ...

Based on my observation of the structure of the IETF, I do
not think it is prudent to publish ideas that are not subject
to an un-democratic process.  These is just Tim, plain ole EE'
engineer speaking, but I do not trust organizations 
dominated by commercial interests to be fair with independent ideas.
My agenda is to have a globally scalable Internet where every 
small business can connect to any level network access
point they choose, without constraints and anti-competitive
processes.  I am not convinced this is the goal of all buinesses
with dominate roles within IETF.

In addition, it is highly likely that I am not the only   
person in the US to have this opinion;the US Department
of Justice and the FTC spend millions of US Taxpayer Dollars to 
enforce and promote competitive business practices.  The orgs
would not exist if businesses did not have the 'tendency' to engage in
anti-competitive practices.  The Internet Services industry is no exception.

Back to your question of 'why not publish'....

If and when DoJ becomes involved, I will be more than happy to submit
to any investigation a technically feasible, scalable, inter
domain routing paradigm for IPv4.   However, if DoJ and the
Antitrust division does not get involved, I will not reveal
any carefully guarded technical solutions under any circumstances.
None of my previous working papers are related.  This paradigm
came to mind and paper only after reviewing over 50 references
on the subject and writing a historical, misconceptions paper.

To be perfectly clear, i am not 'the only engineer' in the US who 
can conceive and design a scalable aggregation schema.  My goal is to 
stop a direction which is anti-competitive and to promote the move 
toward a pro-competitive, scalable inter-domain routing protocol.  

This may sound kinda overly romantic, but sorry, it is my
old-fashioned nature (an i apologize for being so old-fashioned)....

I will perform this duty as an engineer and a US citizen without the 
motive of profit nor designs to be any false Internet hero  if
called upon.  However, I will not do it for IETF nor the IAB
as long as the process and is dominated by people with serious 
conflicts of interests.

Best Regards,


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