Draft Policy ARIN-2017-12: Require New POC Validation Upon Reassignment

ARIN info at arin.net
Tue Nov 21 17:43:39 EST 2017

On 16 November 2017, the ARIN Advisory Council (AC) advanced 
"ARIN-prop-247: Require New POC Validation Upon Reassignment" to Draft 
Policy status.

Draft Policy ARIN-2017-12 is below and can be found at:

You are encouraged to discuss all Draft Policies on PPML. The AC will 
evaluate the discussion in order to assess the conformance of this draft 
policy with ARIN's Principles of Internet number resource policy as 
stated in the Policy Development Process (PDP). Specifically, these 
principles are:

* Enabling Fair and Impartial Number Resource Administration
* Technically Sound
* Supported by the Community

The PDP can be found at:

Draft Policies and Proposals under discussion can be found at:


Sean Hopkins
Policy Analyst
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

Draft Policy ARIN-2017-12: Require New POC Validation Upon Reassignment

Problem Statement:

Some large ISPs assign individuals to be POCs for reassigned blocks 
without consultation of the individual they are inserting into Whois. 
One year later, the POC is contacted by ARIN as part of Annual POC 
Validation policies.  The POC often does not know who ARIN is, what 
Whois is, and why they are in Whois.

This policy proposal seeks to improve the situation where a POC is 
unwittingly and unwantingly inserted into Whois.

It also seeks to mitigate the significant amount of time that ARIN staff 
reports that they spend fielding phone calls from POCs who have no idea 
they are in Whois.

Finally, it is hopeful that this proposal will improve the overall POC 
validation situation, by forcing ISPs and customers to work together to 
insert proper information into Whois at the time of sub-delegation.

Policy statement:

Insert two new sections into NRPM 3:

3.7 New POC Validation Upon Reassignment

When an ISP submits a valid reallocation or detailed reassignment 
request to ARIN which would result in a new POC object being created, 
ARIN must (before otherwise approving the request) contact the new POC 
by email for validation. ARIN's notification will, at a minimum, notify 
the POC of:

- the information about the organization submitting the record; and
- the resource(s) to which the POC is being attached; and
- the organization(s) to which the POC is being attached.

If the POC validates the request, the request shall be accepted by ARIN 
and the new objects inserted into Whois.  If the POC does not validate 
the request within 10 days, ARIN must reject the request.

3.8 Downstream Validation of Simple Reassignments

When an ISP submits a valid simple reassigment request to ARIN with an 
organization name OR postal address that is identical to one or more 
existing OrgIDs, ARIN will notify the downstream organization and obtain 
guidance on whether to accept the simple reassigment, or redirect it to 
one of the existing OrgIDs as a detailed reassignment.


Timetable for implementation: Immediate

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