Whois Update

ginny listman ginny at arin.net
Thu Mar 21 13:55:21 EST 2002

Based on feedback, the Whois Requirements Document has been modified/
clarified in the following ways:

1. When displaying a network, the "Network Range" is displayed before the
"CIDR Notation".
2. Displays that contain postal addresses, will have a "Country Code"
label.  This applies to the Org and POC objects.
3. All objects can have comments. The "Comments" will be displayed for the
queried object only.  For example, when querying a network, only the
network's comments will be displayed. If there are comments on the Org or
POC, they will not be displayed for this query.
4. Like the current version of WHOIS, the "Last Updated:" will appear for 
each query.
5. Like the current version of WHOIS, the "Database last updated" will
appear for each query.
6. The "Registration Date:" will be displayed for each object.
7. Although not explicitly stated, WHOIS will not accept queries
containing a CIDR prefix.  However, if there is enough demand from the
community, it will be added as a feature in the future.
8. There was some discussion as to whether or not whois should be using
meta-characters (@ ! * % . =) for flags.  We have done some analysis of
which of these flags have been used, and actually all of them are being
used. And as suspected, the bang (!) is the most frequently used one.
We will be releasing the stats to the list sometime next week.
9. The new database structure introduces the new org object, that contains
the organization name and address, and is based on the maintainer ID.
Since an existing system permits a maintainer to have multiple resources
with different names and addresses, the WHOIS display may contain
multiple names/addresses.  These duplicate name/address records will be
part of the cleanup project to take place immediately following
10. To aid in cleanup, when querying an AS or network that has an org
record with multiple name/addresses, the display will contain a note
indicating that cleanup is necessary.
11. The network display will include 'Upstream Network Handle' if 
12. Networks displayed in the list format will include the Org Name.
13. Autonomous systems displayed in the list format will include the Org
14. The default display of networks and autonomous systems does NOT
include the Org Address.
15. There will be a separate display for Customer records. 
(See example #6)
16. Since there are some AS blocks in the database, the label has been
changed to AS Number[s], where the 's' will be display only if there is 
a range.
17. Although not explicitly stated, the new whois will no longer accept
name server as a valid query.
-------------- next part --------------

I. Uses of Whois
   a. As a troubleshooting aid
   b. For applications that use resource assignment information
   c. To show address space utilization
   d. In the future, to display routing objects

II. Privacy
   a. The Whois database is a public resource.

III. Formats
   a. The "default" format is displayed when querying Whois without any
      flags, and there is a single record returned. For ease of use all
      items will include labels. If a field does not exist, for example if
      a POC is missing an email address, a label will not be displayed.
      Refer to the attached "Whois Examples" for samples. The five objects
      will be displayed as follows:

      i. Point Of Contact - display all attributes of the POC

         Name: <last name, first name, middle name> or <role account>
         Handle: <point of contact handle>
         Company Name: <organization name>
         Address: <street address, city, state, zip> 
         Country Code: <country code>
         Phone: <phone number, phone extension, phone type>
         Phone: <phone number, phone extension, phone type>
         Email: <email address>
         Email: <email address>
         Comments: <comments>
         Registration Date: <date>
         Last Updated: <date>

     ii. Organization - list the organization and all associated POCs

         Org Name: <organization name>
         Org ID: <organization ID, formerly maintainer ID>
         Org Address: <street address, city, state, zip>
         Country Code: <country code>
         Comments: <comments>
         Registration Date: <date>
         Last Updated: <date>

         Org <POC function> Handle: <POC handle>
         Org <POC function> Name: <POC name>
         Org <POC function> Phone: <POC office phone number><*>
         Org <POC function> Email: <POC email address><*>

         Org <POC function> Handle: <POC handle>
         Org <POC function> Name: <POC name>
         Org <POC function> Phone: <POC office phone number><*>
         Org <POC function> Email: <POC email address><*>
         Note: Organization POC functions include Admin, Tech, Abuse and

    iii. Customer - list the customer 

         Customer Name: <customer name>
         Customer Number: <internally generated number>
         Customer Address: <street address, city, state, zip>
         Country Code: <country code>
         Comments: <comments>
         Registration Date: <date>
         Last Updated: <date>

         Note: Customers do not have POCs.

     iv. Autonomous System - list the organization, the autonomous system,
         POCs for the autonomous system, and POCs for the organization

         Org Name: <organization name>
         Org ID: <organization ID, formerly maintainer ID>

         AS Number[s]: <autonomous system number or range>
         AS Name: <autonomous system name>
         AS Handle: <autonomous system handle>
         Comments: <comments>
         Registration Date: <date>
         Last Updated: <date>

         AS <POC function> Handle: <POC handle>
         AS <POC function> Name: <POC name>
         AS <POC function> Phone: <POC office phone number><*>
         AS <POC function> Email: <POC email address><*>

         Org <POC function> Handle: <POC handle>
         Org <POC function> Name: <POC name>
         Org <POC function> Phone: <POC office phone number><*>
         Org <POC function> Email: <POC email address><*>
         Note: All POCs for the AS will be displayed. Only the
         organization's Tech, Abuse and NOC POCs will be displayed.

      v. Organization IPv4 Network - list the organization, the network, 
         POCs for the network, POCs for the organization

         Org Name: <organization name>
         Org ID: <organization ID, formerly maintainer ID>

         Network Range: <network address range>
         CIDR Notation: <network address in CIDR format>
         Network Name: <network name>
         Network Handle: <network handle>
         Upstream Network Handle: <network handle>
         Can Sub-Delegate: <Y/N>
         IN-ADDR: <in-addr server name>
         IN-ADDR: <in-addr server name>
         Comments: <comments>
         Registration Date: <date>
         Last Updated: <date>

         Net <POC function> Handle: <POC handle>
         Net <POC function> Name: <POC name>
         Net <POC function> Phone: <POC office phone number><*>
         Net <POC function> Email: <POC email address><*>

         Org <POC function> Handle: <POC handle>
         Org <POC function> Name: <POC name>
         Org <POC function> Phone: <POC office phone number><*>
         Org <POC function> Email: <POC email address><*>

         Note: All POCs for the network will be displayed.  Only the
         organization's Tech, Abuse and NOC POCs will be displayed.

     vi. Customer IPv4 Network - list the customer, the network

         Customer Name: <organization name>
         Customer Number: <internally generated customer number>

         Network Range: <network address range>
         CIDR Notation: <network address in CIDR format>
         Network Name: <network name>
         Network Handle: <network handle>
         Upstream Network Handle: <network handle>
         Can Sub-Delegate: <N>
         Comments: <comments>
         Registration Date: <date>
         Last Updated: <date>

         Note: Customer records will not contain POCs.

      *Indicates that multiple phone numbers or email addresses exist,
      of which only the first is displayed.

   b. The "list" format is returned when querying Whois without specifying
      any flags, and there are multiple records returned. Labels are not
      included. The fields that are displayed are outlined below.
      i. Point Of Contact - last, first and middle name or role name,
         handle, one email address, one office phone number
     ii. Organization - organization name, organization ID
    iii. Customer - customer name, customer number
     iv. Autonomous System - organization name, AS name, handle, AS number
      v. Network - organization name, network name, handle, either a
         single CIDR block or network range.

   c. In the future, we may provide the output in RPSL-like, or other

IV. Query by type. To narrow a search, a query can include one of the
    listed flags (either upper or lower case) to indicate the object type
    as follows:
   a. a <query string> will return only autonomous systems
   b. c <query string> will return only customers
   c. n <query string> will return only networks
   d. o <query string> will return only organizations
   e. p <query string> will return only point-of-contacts

V. Query by attribute. To narrow a search, a query can also include a flag
   as follows:
   a. ! <handle> will return the single match of the specified handle
   b. @ <DNS name> will return the list of POCs with the specified domain
      name in the email address
   c. . <name> will return a list of POCs, organizations, autonomous
      systems, and/or networks that start with the specified name

VI. Additional features
   a. Sub-queries can be displayed using the % flag.  The queried string
      must return a single record to provide sub-query information.  The
      following objects have sub-query information:
      i. Networks - display the reassignment/reallocation information in
         list format, if data exists.
     ii. Organizations - display the organization's resources information
         in list format, if data exists.
   b. Parentage can be displayed using the * flag.  The queried string
      must return a single record to provide parentage information.  The
      following objects have parentage information:
      i. Networks - display the parentage in default format, if data
     ii. Organizations - will be implemented in future releases.
   c. Other keywords
      i. = <query string> will show default displays for all matches, 
         regardless of the number returned
     ii. HELP will display the help screen
    iii. <query string>. will show a list of all matches starting with the
         given string.
     iv. SUM <query string> will show list displays, even if there is only
         one match.
   d. The maximum number of records output is limited to 256.  This may be
      revised in future versions.
   e. A future enhancement will include a relational lookup.  For example,
      if a POC is queried, the resources associated with the POC would be 
-------------- next part --------------
                WHOIS EXAMPLES

The following information is used as sample data.

1. Organization ABC ISP is registered with 5 POCs - DEF-ARIN as the 
administrative contact, ABC-TECH-ARIN and  ABC-TECH2-ARIN as technical 
contacts, ABC-NOC-ARIN as a NOC contact and ABC-ABU-ARIN as an abuse
2. ABC ISP has been assigned autonomous system number 65000, and has
ABUSE-ARIN as a resource abuse contact.
3. ABC ISP has been allocated two network blocks.  The first
does not have any resource POCs associated with it.  It has two IN-ADDR
4. The second allocation has SUP-ARIN as a technical contact
and NOC2-ARIN as a NOC contact.  It has 4 IN-ADDR name servers.
5. ABC has reallocated to XYZ ISP. XYZ has the minimal
amount of POCs - XYZ-TECH-ARIN as the organizational technical and
XYZ-ADMI-ARIN as the administrative. There are no POCs or IN-ADDR name 
servers on the reallocation.
6. XYZ has reassigned to Customer Joe User.  Since it
was SWIPed with a reassign simple, no POCs or inaddrs are allowed.

Based on this information, the whois display would be as follows:

1. whois abc
    Org Name: ABC ISP
    Org ID: ABC
    Org Address: 132 Main Street
    Anytown, VA 22222
    Country Code: US
    Registration Date: 1999-01-07
    Last Updated: 2001-12-30

    Org Admin Handle: DEF-ARIN
    Org Admin Name: Foobar, Dwight E.
    Org Admin Phone: +1-999-999-7777 (Office) *
    Org Admin Email: foobar at example.net

    Org Tech Handle: ABC-TECH-ARIN
    Org Tech Name: Technical Support
    Org Tech Phone: +1-999-999-9999 (Office) *
    Org Tech Email: tech at example.net

    Org Tech Handle: ABC-TECH2-ARIN
    Org Tech Name: Technical Support Manager
    Org Tech Phone: +1-999-999-8888 (Office)
    Org Tech Email: tech-mgr at example.net

    Org NOC Handle: ABC-NOC-ARIN
    Org NOC Name: Network Operations Center
    Org NOC Phone: +1-999-999-6666 (Office) *
    Org NOC Email: noc at example.net

    Org Abuse Handle: ABC-ABU-ARIN
    Org Abuse Name: Network Abuse Support
    Org Abuse Phone: +1-999-999-5555 (Office) *
    Org Abuse Email: abuse at example.net

2. whois 65000
    Org Name: ABC ISP
    Org ID: ABC

    AS Number: 65000
    AS Name: ABC-ASN65000
    AS Handle: AS65000
    Registration Date: 2000-05-24
    Last Updated: 2001-06-12

    AS Abuse Handle: ABUSE-ARIN
    AS Abuse Name: AS 65000 Abuse Support
    AS Abuse Phone: +1-703-000-0000 (Office) *
    AS Abuse Email: abuse-65000 at example.net

    Org Tech Handle: ABC-TECH-ARIN
    Org Tech Name: Technical Support
    Org Tech Phone: +1-999-999-9999 (Office) *
    Org Tech Email: tech at example.net

    Org Tech Handle: ABC-TECH2-ARIN
    Org Tech Name: Technical Support Manager
    Org Tech Phone: +1-999-999-8888 (Office)
    Org Tech Email: tech-mgr at example.net

    Org NOC Handle: ABC-NOC-ARIN
    Org NOC Name: Network Operations Center
    Org NOC Phone: +1-999-999-6666 (Office) *
    Org NOC Email: noc at example.net

    Org Abuse Handle: ABC-ABU-ARIN
    Org Abuse Name: Network Abuse Support
    Org Abuse Phone: +1-999-999-5555 (Office) *
    Org Abuse Email: abuse at example.net

3. whois
    Org Name: ABC ISP
    Org ID: ABC

    Network Range:
    CIDR Notation:
    Network Name: NETWORK-10
    Network Handle: NET-10-0-0-0
    Can Sub-Delegate: Y
    IN-ADDR: ns.example.net
    IN-ADDR: ns2.example.net
    Registration Date: 2001-10-30
    Last Updated: 2001-10-30

    Org Tech Handle: ABC-TECH-ARIN
    Org Tech Name: Technical Support
    Org Tech Phone: +1-999-999-9999 (Office) *
    Org Tech Email: tech at example.net

    Org Tech Handle: ABC-TECH2-ARIN
    Org Tech Name: Technical Support Manager
    Org Tech Phone: +1-999-999-8888 (Office)
    Org Tech Email: tech-mgr at example.net

    Org NOC Handle: ABC-NOC-ARIN
    Org NOC Name: Network Operations Center
    Org NOC Phone: +1-999-999-6666 (Office) *
    Org NOC Email: noc at example.net

    Org Abuse Handle: ABC-ABU-ARIN
    Org Abuse Name: Network Abuse Support
    Org Abuse Phone: +1-999-999-5555 (Office) *
    Org Abuse Email: abuse at example.net

4. whois
    ABC ISP (NET-10-32-0-0) NETWORK-10.32     
    XYZ ISP (NET-10-32-0-0-2) NET-10-32-RE
    Joe User (NET-10-32-0-0-3) NET-JOE-USER   

5. whois NET-10-32-0-0-2
    Org Name: XYZ ISP
    Org ID: XYZ

    Network Range:
    CIDR Notation:,
    Network Name: NET-10-32-RE
    Network Handle: NET-10-32-0-0-2
    Upstream Network Handle: NET-10-32-0-0
    Can Sub-Delegate: Y
    Registration Date: 2000-10-10
    Last Updated: 2001-11-03

    Org Tech Handle: XYZ-TECH-ARIN
    Org Tech Name: Technical Support
    Org Tech Phone: +1-777-777-7777 (Office) *
    Org Tech Email: tech-xyz at example.net

6. whois  NET-10-32-0-0-3
    Customer Name: Joe User
    Customer Number: 43432

    Network Range:
    CIDR Notation:
    Network Name: NET-JOE-USER
    Network Handle: NET-10-32-0-0-3
    Upstream Network Handle: NET-10-32-0-0-2
    Can Sub-Delegate: N
    Registration Date: 2001-10-31
    Last Updated: 2001-11-03

7. whois ABC-NOC-ARIN
    Name: Network Operations Center
    Handle: ABC-NOC-ARIN
    Company Name: ABC ISP
    Address: 132 Main Street
    Anytown, VA 22222
    Country Code: US
    Phone: +1-999-999-6666 (Office)
    Phone: +1-888-888-8888 (Mobile)
    Phone: +1-777-777-7777 (Fax)
    Email: noc at example.net
    Registration Date: 1998-06-09
    Last Updated: 2000-11-21

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