SWIP netblocks

ginny listman ginny at arin.net
Wed Jan 3 11:09:57 EST 2001

In reviewing what is currently stored in the database, there are a number
of SWIPed netblocks that are not on the bit boundary.  For example,
instead of SWIPing 0 to 255, an entire /24, 1 to 254 was SWIPed.  In the
future, we will be operating in a cidr world, including displaying cidr
blocks in whois.  For a block that is 1 to 254, the display will include 2
/32, 2 /31, 2 /30, 2 /29, 2 /28, 2 /27, and 2 /26.  It would be a whole
lot cleaner to display 1 /24.

How do people feel about enforcing allocations/assignments based on a
single cidr block?  I could see an occasion where someone may want to
assign 2-4 cidr blocks at a single time, but can we enforce, or strongly
encouraging, a policy like this?  SWIP on the bit boundary.


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