[arin-tech-discuss] No parental control

Michael Gryder raymondgryder at icloud.com
Mon Jun 24 12:48:11 EDT 2024

Hello maybe you can help me. I’ve have problems with the parental controls on my arin account. Well it’s I have no parental account for years I am the child in my accounts and no one listens to me. 2 years ago I set up a new POC but it never took affect and now it’s been deleted for non use ca you help. I’m 69 and I believe this is elder abuse. And I believe it started with network slicing it started when I started using Consumer Cellular do you have any ideas how I might fix it Apple says it’s my carrier and they don’t help. For some reason I can’t sign out of or delete things but I can’t figure out what to do. Thank you 
Sent from my iPhone

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