[arin-tech-discuss] Update on upcoming maintenance to ARIN’s RPKI infrastructure

heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Sat Jun 26 11:27:30 EDT 2021

Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 07:33:30PM +0200, Alex Band:
> If you neglect them, the entire ARIN RPKI Certificate Authority will be rejected on the 20th, making all ROAs disappear, including those published by organisations running delegated RPKI under ARIN.

Wouldn't it be wise to ignore the expiration of any record from a publication
point that has been unreachable until it is accessible again (AND the
retrieval completes without error) or give the operator the option to do so?

I might even prefer a warning, regardless of the success of the retrieval,
requiring operator intervention.

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