[arin-tech-discuss] RDAP issue with AS204423

Jon Worley jonw at arin.net
Fri Mar 16 17:26:33 EDT 2018

Hello Brian,

We're working on correcting this. It will likely be until at least Monday before we'll be able to correct the problem (it will require doing some things we don't like to do on a Friday just in case something goes awry).

Jon Worley
Technical Services Manager
ARIN Registration Services
hostmaster at arin.net

On 3/16/18, 3:48 PM, "arin-tech-discuss on behalf of Brian Rak" <arin-tech-discuss-bounces at arin.net on behalf of brak at gameservers.com> wrote:

    We usually use ARIN's RDAP bootstrap service as a starting point, 
    however I'm not getting any results for AS 204423:
    $ wget https://rdap.arin.net/bootstrap/autnum/204423
    --2018-03-16 15:44:19-- https://rdap.arin.net/bootstrap/autnum/204423
    Resolving rdap.arin.net... 2001:500:13::160, 2001:500:31::160, 
    2001:500:a9::160, ...
    Connecting to rdap.arin.net|2001:500:13::160|:443... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
    Location: https://rdap.arin.net/registry/autnum/204423 [following]
    --2018-03-16 15:44:19-- https://rdap.arin.net/registry/autnum/204423
    Reusing existing connection to rdap.arin.net:443.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
    2018-03-16 15:44:19 ERROR 404: Not Found.
    This ASN is assigned to RIPE, so I'd expect a redirect over to RIPE: 
    rather then a 404
    (I opened a support ticket about this as well, but I'm not sure if 
    that's really the best contact method or not)
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