[arin-tech-discuss] October OT&E Refresh - Complete

Pete Toscano pete at arin.net
Tue Oct 3 10:22:22 EDT 2017

Thanks for letting us know, Andrew. We’re actively looking into this.

Pete Toscano
Network Operations Manager

On Oct 3, 2017, at 8:43 AM, Andrew Gallo <akg1330 at gmail.com<mailto:akg1330 at gmail.com>> wrote:

I'm wondering is something is up with ROA creation.  I have RPKI access in the production environment, so I can create ROAs them in the OT&E.  I've submitted three requests to create ROAs in the OT&E and the tickets are still pending (one for several hours).  In the past, the ROAs were created almost instantly (<1min).

I can provide some pending ticket numbers in the OT&E if that helps.

Thank you.

On 10/2/2017 10:17 PM, Michael Crossin wrote:


Apologies for the delayed notification.  The refresh of the Operational Testing and Evaluation environment was completed within the outlined maintenance window.

All systems within this environment should be accessible to you now if you have requested access to it. If you have requested access previously, there is no need to re-request.

If you experience any issues in using the OT&E environment or notice anything erroneous, please reach out to us.


Mike Crossin
Database Systems Administrator
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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