[arin-tech-discuss] Survey on Internet agreement ecosystem

Pedro de Botelho Marcos pbmarcos at inf.ufrgs.br
Tue Jun 13 09:18:43 EDT 2017

Dear ARIN community,

 we would like to share some preliminary results from our survey
(circulated two weeks ago) on Internet agreements and to foster further
participation. Would you help us by answering a set of objective questions
reflecting your views (<10min)?

Survey URL: http://bit.ly/2rfoQ3E

We aim at drawing a picture of the dynamism, economics, and service level
agreements aspects in today’s Internet interconnection ecosystem.

So far, we observed that the majority of the respondents have between 6-20
agreements and 1 of every 4 respondents have Service Level Agreements for
over 75-100% of these agreements. One of every three respondents have no
more than 25% settlement-free agreements. Related to our envisioned
scenario, the majority of operators are willing to have features to reduce
the current agreement setup time (the overall time is indicated as
"months") and to establish more fine-grained agreements (e.g. for a set of

We will share the final results in an aggregated form once collecting .
Please write in the comments if you have any specific concern about sharing
results in an aggregated form.

Feel free to drop any comment on how to improve the survey in the future.

Thank you very much,

2017-06-01 14:24 GMT-03:00 Pedro de Botelho Marcos <pbmarcos at inf.ufrgs.br>:

> Dear ARIN community,
> We are conducting a survey about Internet agreements, with a focus on
> dynamism, economics, and service level agreements aspects. Can you please
> help us by answering a set of objective questions reflecting your views
> (<10min)?
>  Feel free to drop any comment on how to improve the survey in the future.
> Survey URL: http://bit.ly/2rfoQ3E
> Thank you very much,
> Cheers,
> --
> Pedro de Botelho Marcos
> PhD Student
> Computer Networks Research Group
> Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

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