[arin-tech-discuss] This is getting a little irritating ...

tarig.shoush at bt.com tarig.shoush at bt.com
Wed Jun 18 16:01:29 EDT 2014


I checked with our development, the reason we are getting this is because the zone is not dynamic -not updateable- and the server is not the Master for that zone. Ideally we want 'Notify' coming only from the Master server and for dynamic zones only. As of seems to be affected, my guess is that you took the log file before that 'authentication' was cached for that server/zone.
 In short this too is benign error and shall go away once we update the database.

Best regards,

Tarig Shoush

From: arin-tech-discuss-bounces at arin.net [mailto:arin-tech-discuss-bounces at arin.net] On Behalf Of Eric Dynamic
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2014 8:08 PM
To: arin-tech-discuss at arin.net
Subject: [arin-tech-discuss] This is getting a little irritating ...

Now after having written a script that worked marvelously for at least several says, all of a sudden now it is failing.

Why? Because once again, your service is returning what it feels like versus what I asked for.

Here is what I got from asking for JSON:


<?xml version='1.0'?><?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='http://whois.arin.net/xsl/website.xsl' ?><net xmlns="http://www.arin.net/whoisrws/core/v1"<http://www.arin.net/whoisrws/core/v1> xmlns:ns2="http://www.arin.net/whoisrws/rdns/v1"<http://www.arin.net/whoisrws/rdns/v1> xmlns:ns3="http://ww
w.arin.net/whoisrws/netref/v2" termsOfUse="https://www.arin.net/whois_tou.html"<https://www.arin.net/whois_tou.html>><registrationDate>2011-02-03T11:23:31-05:00</registrationDate><ref>http://whois.arin.net/rest/net/NET-204-12-8-24-1</ref><customerRef name="
Stylelife" handle="C02687103">http://whois.arin.net/rest/customer/C02687103</customerRef><endAddress></endAddress><handle>NET-204-12-8-24-1</handle><name>STYLELIFE</name><netBlocks><netBlock><cidrLength>29</ci
etRef name="HOSTMYSITE" handle="NET-204-12-0-0-1">http://whois.arin.net/rest/net/NET-204-12-0-0-1</parentNetRef><startAddress></startAddress><updateDate>2011-02-03T11:23:31-05:00</updateDate><version>4</versio
 no ns4:pft

Now I am getting XML.

I don't have time to keep figuring out new parsers. I already write the code for the JSON. And it was working, as I said, for several days just fine.
Now for no reason I can see, suddenly, asking for JSON gives me XML. I don't feel like writing something that has to try to figure out what you actually sent versus what I requested.
This time I request that you FIX THIS.


// SQL #####################################################################################################################################################################################
function sqlerr()   //$ER_DUP_Entry=1062;
{ if(($e = mysql_errno()) == 1062) $h = "Duplicate Key, ignored."; else $h = mysql_error(); $h = str_replace("'","",$h); $m = "DB:$e:$h"; echo "$m\n"; }
function gqquery($q) { if(mysql_query("$q")) return 0; sqlerr(); return 1; }
function mqquery($q) { if($qr = mysql_query("$q")) return $qr; sqlerr(); return 0; }
function sqquery($q) { $r = false; if($qr = mqquery($q)) { $r = mysql_fetch_object($qr); if(!$r) $r = false; mysql_free_result($qr); } return($r); }
function attach() { global $db; $db = mysql_connect("localhost","*****","*****"); if(!$db) return(0); return(mysql_select_db("sdfilter",$db)); }
$aTZ = "America/Los_Angeles"; date_default_timezone_set($aTZ);                  // timezone (absurd format)
global $errno, $fh, $db; $db=0;                                                 // globals
error_reporting(0x1F);                                                          // complain about anything
$db = attach(); if(!$db) {echo("open db failed."); return(1);}                  // sordid error handling

$buf = "";
$v = array();
if(!($C = curl_init())) exit(0);

if(!($fh=fopen("php://stdin","r"))) exit(0);
for($line = 1;;$line++) {
    if(!($A = fgets($fh))) break;
    echo "processing $A\n";
    if(4 != sscanf($A,"%d.%d.%d.%d",&$n3,&$n2,&$n1,&$n0)) break;
    $AA = sprintf("%02X%02X%02X%02X",$n3,$n2,$n1,$n0);
    if($r = sqquery("select afrom,ato,contact from abuse where afrom <= '$AA' and '$AA' <= ato limit 1")) {
        echo "$A already found in abuse $r->afrom <= $AA <= $r->ato *$r->contact), ignoring request.\n";
    $pft = curl_exec($C);
echo "$pft\n";   // gives the output shown above
    for($rc = 1;;) {
        if(!$pft) { echo "$A: no pft\n"; break; }
        $Q = json_decode($pft,true); $Q = $Q["ns4:pft"]; if(!$Q) { echo "$A no ns4:pft\n"; break; }
        if(!isset($Q["poc"])) { echo "$A: no poc\n"; break; }
        if(!isset($Q["poc"][0])) { echo "$A: no poc[0]\n"; break; }
        $F = $Q["net"]["startAddress"]["$"]; if( 4 != sscanf($F,"%d.%d.%d.%d",&$n3,&$n2,&$n1,&$n0) ) break;
        $afrom = sprintf("%02X%02X%02X%02X",$n3,$n2,$n1,$n0);
        $T = $Q["net"]["endAddress"]["$"]; if( 4 != sscanf($T,"%d.%d.%d.%d",&$n3,&$n2,&$n1,&$n0) ) break;
        $ato = sprintf("%02X%02X%02X%02X",$n3,$n2,$n1,$n0);
        if( $afrom > $ato ) break;
        $n = count($Q["poc"]); $contact = "";
        for( $j = 0; $j < $n; $j++ ) {
            //echo "$A poc $j description " . $Q["poc"][$j]["@relatedDescription"] ."\n";
            if($Q["poc"][$j]["@relatedDescription"] == "Abuse") {
                $m = count($Q["poc"][$j]["emails"]["email"]);   // we either get [$] or [0]...[n] in this modern world
                if($m == 1) {
                    $contact = $Q["poc"][$j]["emails"]["email"]["$"];
                    //echo "single records, $contact.\n";
                else {  // save the first contact in any case and if it or a later one contains "abuse", use that.
                    $contact = strtolower($Q["poc"][$j]["emails"]["email"][0]);
                    //echo "$A multiple records, default $contact.\n";
                    if(strstr($contact,"abuse")) break;
                    else for($k=1, $x = strtolower($Q["poc"][$j]["emails"]["email"][$k]); $k<$m;$k++) if(strstr($x,"abuse")) { $contact = $x; break; }
                    echo "$A multiple records, using $contact.\n";
        if(!$contact || $contact == "abuse at ripe.net"<mailto:abuse at ripe.net> || $contact == "abuse at arin.net"<mailto:abuse at arin.net> || $contact == "abuse at apnic.net"<mailto:abuse at apnic.net>) break;   // if abuse at ripe.net<mailto:abuse at ripe.net> e.g. then should ask RIPE.
        echo "RESULT:: $afrom - $ato\t$contact\n";
        $afrom = sprintf("%08X",$afrom); $ato = sprintf("%08X",$ato);
        gqquery("insert into abuse (afrom,ato,contact) values ('$afrom','$ato','$contact')");
        gqquery("update counts set count = count + 1 where class='database/reqfilled'");
        $rc = 0;
    // we no longer insert (a,0) into abuse to remember what we want.

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