[arin-tech-discuss] Recipient Org - Net Handle

Jon Worley jonw at arin.net
Wed Feb 12 17:45:30 EST 2014


Yes, you can reassign/reallocate IPs which aren’t within that net handle to the recipient org.

It’s in the URL because the URL is structured to subdivide calls into various categories.  Anything relating to creating/viewing/deleting networks has the format:


… with additional items following NETHANDLE based on the specific call you’re making.

Since create recipient org is only used to reassign/reallocate networks to customers, it falls within this category, and for all net calls, a network handle is required.  If you’re viewing, modifying, or deleting a network, NETHANDLE is the handle of the actual network you want to view/modify/delete.  For other calls which aren’t acting directly on an existing network (creating recipient customers/orgs and creating new reassignments/reallocations), since a network handle is required for all calls to /rest/net, we use the parent network handle.  That’s really the only option; obviously you can’t use the network handle of the resulting customer reassignment/reallocation because you don’t know that at the time you’re sending the create recipient customer/org and reassign/reallocate calls.

Hopefully that clarifies things.

If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns please respond to this message or contact me directly.


Jon Worley
Senior Resource Analyst
ARIN Registration Services
hostmaster at arin.net

From: Sugandh Nimesh <sugandh.nimesh at gmail.com<mailto:sugandh.nimesh at gmail.com>>
Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 at 4:47 PM
To: "arin-tech-discuss at arin.net<mailto:arin-tech-discuss at arin.net>" <arin-tech-discuss at arin.net<mailto:arin-tech-discuss at arin.net>>
Subject: [arin-tech-discuss] Recipient Org - Net Handle

I am working on a project where we are trying to create Recipient Org with Restful service. We will SWIP IPs to this Org Handle with email method.
My question is around the Parent NET Handle that goes in CREATE Method URL for Recipient ORG:
Can I SWIP such IPs to this Recipient ORG which doesn't belong to the NET Handle used for ORG creation?
If Yes, What is significance of having Net Handle while creating Recipient Org.
Note: I am using email method for Reassigning/ Reallocating IPs
Nimesh Sugandh
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