[arin-tech-discuss] Changes made to Reg-RWS during maintenance (March 02, 2013)

Jarl Stefansson jarl.stefansson at gmail.com
Sun Mar 3 01:16:06 EST 2013

I noticed that there seem to be quite a few changes to the Reg-RWS API
since the maintenance, does anyone have release notes/updated documentation
to reflect the changes?

So far I see:

Under Net objects:

orgRef instead of orgHandle
parentNetRef instead of parentNetHandle
ref tag now available
name instead of netName

Under Customer objects:

name instead of customerName
nets now available
ref tag now available
parentOrgRef instead of parentOrgHandle

I presume Orgs have the same changes as Customers


Jarl Stefansson
jarl.stefansson at gmail.com
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