[arin-tech-discuss] Question of "The API key is not authorized to make that request" when I try to create an Org

Grimes, Ronald Ron.Grimes at CenturyLink.com
Tue Oct 11 10:48:58 EDT 2011

Hi David,

Are you looking at the <orgName>PEACE CORPS HEADQUARTERS</orgName> that is sent in on the org create to determine that it already exists with a different company?


Below was the XML Sean sent in:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org xmlns="http://www.arin.net/regrws/core/v1">
                <line number="1">600 17TH ST</line>
        <orgName>PEACE CORPS HEADQUARTERS</orgName>
                <pocLinkRef description="null Help Desk" handle="HELPD126-ARIN" function="AB"/>
                <pocLinkRef description="null Help Desk" handle="HELPD127-ARIN" function="AD"/>
                <pocLinkRef description="null Help Desk" handle="HELPD128-ARIN" function="N"/>
                <pocLinkRef description="null Help Desk" handle="HELPD129-ARIN" function="T"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: David Huberman [mailto:dhuberma at arin.net]
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 10:41 AM
To: 'arin-tech-discuss at arin.net'
Cc: Grimes, Ronald
Subject: Re: [arin-tech-discuss] Question of "The API key is not authorized to make that request" when I try to create an Org

Hello Sean,

Your URL, method, and payload are all correct.

The error you're getting is about the relationship of your API key to the
parentNetHandle in your URL. You specified:  /rest/net/NET-204-228-0-0-1

The API key you're using isn't authoritative for this address block, as
it's registered to a different company (WestNet, as opposed to


David R Huberman
Principal Technical Analyst, ARIN

On 10/10/11 4:27 PM, "Zhao, Sean" <Sean.Zhao at CenturyLink.com> wrote:

                Today, I got an error when I was trying to create an Org.
Here are my request payload and response payload. I don¹t understand why
it is failed this time. I am OK when I am trying to create ADVANCED ENERGY
IDEAS. I got handle
 returned for AEI-20 and AEI19Š But not this time for ³ADVANCED ENERGY
IDEAS². Does that mean I create some Org for some companies, but I cannot
for some others? Or maybe something wrong in my url
https://www.arin.net/rest/net/NET-204-228-0-0-1/org?apikey=MyAPIKey. The
only thing I can think of is the netHandle in the url, but I cannot be
sure and don¹t
 know the reason if it is the problem.

Request Payload:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<poc xmlns="http://www.arin.net/regrws/core/v1">
<email>vhanji at qwest.com</email <mailto:vhanji at qwest.com%3c/email>>
<line number="1">600 17TH ST</line>
<companyName>PEACE CORPS HEADQUARTERS</companyName>
<lastName>Help Desk</lastName>

Response Payload
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<poc xmlns="http://www.arin.net/regrws/core/v1">
<companyName>PEACE CORPS HEADQUARTERS</companyName>
<name>UNITED STATES</name>
vhanji at qwest.com</email <mailto:vhanji at qwest.com%3c/email>>
<lastName>Help Desk</lastName>
<line number="0">600 17TH ST</line>


Sean Zhao
Sean.Zhao at CenturyLink.com

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