[arin-tech-discuss] Developing Reg-RWS discovery requirements (was Re: Listing all reassignments?)

Thomas St.Pierre tstpierre at iweb.com
Wed Nov 23 13:49:11 EST 2011


Here are the use cases I encountered when I wrote a script to do 
reassigns. Maybe I missed some existing method, but the only (easy) way 
I found to do these was to query whois data.

1) For a given IP, (usually the network address of the subnet I'm about 
to reassign) find out what the parent NET HANDLE is. This is required 
for the net payload to do the reassign. (From my understanding of the 
documentation anyways)
2) For a given IP, find what the existing NET HANDLE and customer handle 
are. Useful for updating existing objects.

Hope this helps!


Thomas St.Pierre
Network Administrator
iWeb Technologies
Email : tstpierre at iweb.com
Web : www.iweb.com
Tel : 514-286-4242 ext 2212

On 11-11-23 1:12 PM, Andy Newton wrote:
> All,
> There would appear to be a need for the discovery of assignment/allocation information in the Reg-RWS (RESTful provisioning) system, as there have been questions on this list as to how to obtain this information and there were some private conversations with members about this type of functionality at the Philadelphia meeting. Using Whois-RWS has been proposed as a work around, but it is not optimal as that system is designed for another need.
> We had on the drawing board some RESTful methods for providing this information in Reg-RWS but have never moved forward with them in part because we are not confident that we are addressing the need properly. So if you would indulge us, maybe we can tease out the use cases and perhaps formulate solutions here on this list.
> > From what I have observed, the use case is that a registration client needs to identify the boundaries of some IP space contained in a particular network (i.e. identified by a NET HANDLE) and of a specified size to be used in a reassignment. Is this correct? Is there another way to characterize this?
> There would appear to be two solutions for this use case:
> 1) A new RESTful method that takes as input the NET HANDLE from where the space is to be taken and the size of the space being sought and returns a start IP address and an end IP address.
> 2) A new RESTful method that takes as input the NET HANDLE from where the space is to be taken and returns a list of IP address ranges (start address&  end address) that are not already reassigned.
> Do either of these solutions address the use case given? Would you solve this another way?
> Thanks in advance for your feedback.
> Andy Newton,
> Chief Engineer, ARIN
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