[arin-tech-discuss] Error message when I sent an org payload to create an Org

David Huberman dhuberma at arin.net
Wed Aug 31 17:21:50 EDT 2011


There are two problems with your payload:

1) You have specified: xmlns="" in three places:

<iso3166-1 xmlns="">

<streetAddress xmlns="">
<pocLinks xmlns="">

Please remove xmlns="" from these tags.

2) You specified the attribute name= in the pocLinkRef fields.
Please remove the name attribute.

The resultant payload would be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org xmlns="http://www.arin.net/regrws/core/v1">
<line number="1">1113 W BIRCHWOOD AVE</line>
<pocLinkRef handle="KOTLO3-ARIN" function="AB"/>
<pocLinkRef handle="ZHAOS13-ARIN" function="N"/>
<pocLinkRef handle="ZHAOS14-ARIN" function="T"/>

This will also fail, but not because of any RESTful formatting issues.
It will fail because all OrgIDs must have one (and only one) Admin POC.
So you need to add a POC handle to serve as function='AD".

Hope that helps!


David R Huberman
ARIN Technical Specialist
(703) 227-9866

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