[ARIN-Suggestions] Suggestion 2024.13 is now closed

ARIN info at arin.net
Fri Aug 23 11:43:51 EDT 2024

A new response from ARIN has been posted for ACSP Suggestion 2024.13: Freezing Reallocations and this suggestion is now closed. You may find the original suggestion and the response from ARIN below. 


American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

ACSP Suggestion 2024.13: Freezing Reallocations

Author: Anonymous  

Submitted On: 15 August 2024


Reallocation Freezing

Reputable organizations are seeing a rise in other organizations falsely reallocating space. Notifications via email showing the reallocation has been done has been helpful in catching some of these issues. (See section 3.7 of NRPM) However, it is not enough to prevent bad actors from using the space as quickly as they can. These bad actors are hijacking the reputation of other organizations to push the content across the internet in hopes that other companies will accept the data as safe, accurate, and trusted. The current process automatically allows the reallocation to happen and the impacted org must contact ARIN staff to have the reallocation removed. Given the security concerns, organizations should be allowed to opt out of having their IP resources reallocated. IP resources could be protected like credit with the ability to turn off reallocations. Organization would only opt in to reallocation freezing. Reallocations cause the largest issue as a reallocation sets the POC of the organization to someone elses IP space.

Suggested process —

Orgs may opt to go to their section of ARIN online and opt out of reallocations via their ORG ID page.

When a company tries to do a reallocation on ARIN online, that ORG ID can be showed as an org that has opted out of reallocations.

Value to Community: Enhanced security of resources

Timeframe: Not specified

Status: Closed

ARIN Response:

Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2024.13 upon confirmed response, asking that ARIN create a feature to allow customers to freeze reallocations to their organizations (Org IDs) to protect against bad actors and reputational damage.

We are investigating the options and implications of adding this functionality and will be presenting our recommendations to the community for consultation.

We are closing your suggestion as it will be referred to community consultation. Thank you for participating in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process.


American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

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