[ARIN-Suggestions] Responses to ACSP 2017.6, 2017.7, 2017.8, and 2017.9

ARIN info at arin.net
Wed Apr 19 13:55:13 EDT 2017

On 19 April, we issued responses to four ACSPs. We have closed 2017.6,
and 2017.7, 2017.8, and 2017.9 will remain open until implemented.

Response details below:

ACSP 2016.6: Registrant Validation Remediation Proposal



Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2017.6 upon confirmed receipt,
to use transfer procedures to validate registrants that have
non-validated records.

ARIN registration staff currently implements internal procedures similar
to what you are suggesting through our Point of Contact (POC) and
Organization Identifier (ORG ID) recovery processes. Through these
processes, we verify the authority of the individual attempting to
recover the POC and/or ORG ID using procedures that are similar to those
you would encounter in a transfer request. This results in validated
registration data for Whois and protects registration rights holders by
thwarting hijacking attempts. Additionally, during the ORG ID recovery
process, we sometimes find in our review that the legal chain of custody
has changed for a registration record and require the individual acting
on behalf of the organization to submit a
Merger/Acquisition/Reorganization transfer request (NRPM 8.2) before
they may gain authoritative control over the subject resources.


Thank you for participating in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion
Process. We believe that the functionality that you describe already
exists via ARIN’s current POC and ORG ID recovery processes, and as such
we will be closing your suggestion and will retain documentation of it
on the ACSP section of our public website. If you believe that there is
additional functionality needed in this area, please submit a suggestion
which highlights the additional functionality required.

ACSP 2017.7: Replacement of Jabber for Remote Participation



Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2017.7 upon confirmed receipt,
to replace Jabber as our remote participation chat service at ARIN

We agree it is time to replace the use of Jabber at ARIN meetings with a
more modern chat application, especially considering feedback that it
has caused a member of the community to decide not to participate
remotely. We will review available options, including Slack, to
determine their ease of use and availability over IPv6 between now and
our next Public Policy Meeting in October with the goal of having Jabber
replaced by that time.

Thank you for participating in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion
Process. Your suggestion will remain open until implemented.

ACSP 2017.8: Chat button for ARIN.NET website



Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2017.8 upon confirmed receipt,
to add a live chat button to the ARIN website as we embark on updates to
its design and navigation this year.

We agree your suggestion will serve as a positive enhancement to our
already available telephone help-desk and other communication options
currently available to ARIN customers. Availability of this new
communication feature will be introduced incrementally, so we may
monitor its impact on staffing resources. We will make this new feature
a requirement of our website redesign that begins in Q2 of 2017.

Thank you for participating in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion
Process. Your suggestion will remain open until implemented.

ACSP 2017.9: Changes to IP Address Widget



Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2017.9 upon confirmed receipt,
to make changes to the IP address widget that appears at the top of
arin.net to indicate to visitors the IP address they are using to access
the site.

We agree it can be beneficial to users to see improved information about
how they are connecting to the ARIN website and that it could act as an
additional motivation for IPv6 adoption. We will investigate available
implantation options and make this new feature a requirement of our
website redesign that begins in Q2 of 2017.

Thank you for participating in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion
Process. Your suggestion will remain open until implemented.


Communications and Member Services
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

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