[ARIN-Suggestions] Response to Suggestion 2014.4: SUPPORT HTTPS FOR WHOIS-RWS

ARIN info at arin.net
Tue Mar 4 11:45:05 EST 2014

ARIN has issued its initial response to ACSP Suggestion 2014.4. The 
suggestion and response text are provided below. This suggestion remains 
open and is available at:



Communications and Member Services
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

Suggestion: *

ARIN should support https for whois-rws. It's important not just to 
protect the privacy of people querying the whois db, but more 
importantly to ensure the integrity of answers from ARIN.


Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2014.4 upon receipt and 
confirmation, requesting https support for Whois-RWS. ARIN agrees that 
this would be a very useful, in fact we previously attempted to provide 
a https solution approximately two years ago. We were unable to complete 
the effort due to the operational issues described below. In deploying 
new services for Whois-RWS, ARIN has three requirements.

1) Whois-RWS is fronted by load balancers.
2) The load balancers must support ssl-offloading for effective
3) We must have both IPv4 and IPv6 capability for any existing or new public

Unfortunately, we have found that our existing load balancers do not 
support IPv6 adequately and become unreliable when the ssl-offloading 
feature is enabled. Despite promises made by our vendor following 
multiple requests that fix their systems to enable feature parity 
between IPv4 and IPv6, they have indicated that they will not support 
these features in a timely manner. Therefore, ARIN is in the process of 
replacing these load balancers with a vendor who can deliver IPv6 
capability. We hope to
Have the new load balancers deployed in Q4 of this year, which will 
permit us to enable https support for Whois-RWS by Q1 of 2015.

Thank you for your suggestion; it will remain open until this work is 
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