[arin-ppml] Draft Policy ARIN-2024-5: Rewrite of NRPM Section 4.4 Micro-Allocation

Martin Hannigan hannigan at gmail.com
Sat May 25 00:46:06 EDT 2024

On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 4:42 PM Owen DeLong via ARIN-PPML <
arin-ppml at arin.net> wrote:

> I think the best resolution here would be to move all definitional text
> for IX in both proposals into a proposed (and identical) definition in NRPM
> section 2 and then it’s harmonious and not in need of future
> synchronization regardless of whether either or both proposals are adopted.

I do agree with Bill's suggestion that we finish 2024-4 including a
definition and defined term for 2024-5 and anything else related ("Defined
Term"). So I think we're agreeing.

I object to the removal of "ethernet" from 2024-5.

Warm regards,

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