[arin-ppml] Draft Policy ARIN-2024-8: Restrict the Largest Initial IPv6 Allocation to /20

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Fri Jun 28 12:01:25 EDT 2024

On Jun 28, 2024, at 11:01, William Herrin <bill at herrin.us> wrote:
Your seeming reluctance to offer a hypothetical suggests a potentially
good approach here: require any registrant requesting in excess of a
/24 of IPv6 address space to survive open publication and public
comment on their justification and supporting materials and,
subsequent to public comment, win the approval of the Board of

Those satisfied with a less audacious quantity of IPv6 addresses would
continue to be afforded the more private process that exists today.

Bill -

If the ARIN community adopts clear policy for certain IPv6 number requests that specifies public review, ARIN will administer those requests accordingly.  This includes any necessary public posting of the request and supporting materials, conducting the appropriate public comment period, and handling the subsequent review and approval.

(I will note that approval of requests is an operational matter, and as such is ultimately performed under my authority as the chief executive of the organization.  I’d suggest that it is fairly important to keep such actions distinct from the Board of Trustees so that they may fulfill their oversight duties – including confirming that there is no material failure of the organization to follow number resource policy and facilitating my removal if it is ever otherwise.  It is also probably worth mentioning ARIN periodically engages an independent firm to review its registration services operations and this includes sampling customer tickets to validate that NRPM requirements and internal procedures are consistently followed - the audit reports are available here - https://www.arin.net/about/corporate/rsd_audits/ )


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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