[arin-ppml] ARIN-2023-8: Reduce 4.1.8 Maximum Allocation

William Herrin bill at herrin.us
Sun Dec 22 20:36:02 EST 2024

On Sun, Dec 22, 2024 at 12:26 PM Denis Motova <dmotova at brcrude.com> wrote:
> However, my actual thought process is on this, why change something that works already? Yes, we have a wait time that is slightly large, but ok…
> Why should everything be instant? I believe that we should be looking for meaningful changes not changes to address speed, and instant gratification.

Hi Denis,

IPv4 address assignment is based on demonstrated technical need. Folks
have quite reasonably questioned how, if you have an immediate need,
you can afford to wait three years. Considering that the same IPv4
addresses for which you have demonstrated a need can be purchased on
the market for a few thousand dollars.

There are answers to that question, but they arguably boil down to
this: the organization has presented ARIN with a paperwork tiger which
meets the policy requirements but it can afford to wait because in
reality it doesn't need the addresses all that badly.

Traditionally, ARIN doesn't consider willingness to pay to be a part
of demonstrated need. That tool has become available to us. Maybe we
should be using it.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin
bill at herrin.us

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