[arin-ppml] ARIN 2024-9 Remove Outdated Carveout for Community Networks

WOOD Alison * DAS Alison.WOOD at das.oregon.gov
Fri Aug 23 17:49:35 EDT 2024

Hello ARIN Community!

The time has come to discuss Community Networks.  Sections 2.11 and 6.59 of the NRPM outline the definition of Community Networks and grant them special permission to obtain a /40 block of IPv6 space. This Community Networks policy was added in 2008 and to date only one Community Network has been active.

ARIN policy 2020-3 lowered the IPv6 minimum allocation to a /40, equaling the allocation available to Community Networks.  With the implementation of this policy, there is no longer any advantage to obtaining ipv6 space as a Community Network.  Community Networks are limited to a /40 and are only permitted to make reassignments, not reallocations. All fees are the same and there is no policy for ipv4 space for Community Networks.

I would like your feedback on removing Community Networks from ARIN policy.

Draft Policy below:

Problem Statement:
Sections 2.11 and 6.5.9 define Community Networks, and provide special dispensation for Community Networks to receive only a /40 of IPv6 space. When these sections were last materially updated in 2017 (ARIN-2017-8), the smallest allowed allocation to a normal ARIN LIR was a /36, so the Community Networks sections still provided value. In 2020 (ARIN-2020-3) however, the NRPM was amended such that any LIR may request to receive only a /40 for any reason. As such, the carveout for Community Networks to receive a /40 is no longer necessary, and potentially confusing.
Policy Statement:
Retire Sections 2.11 and 6.5.9
Timetable for Implementation: Immediate.

Thank you!


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