[arin-ppml] Board of Trustees Adopts New Policy

ARIN info at arin.net
Wed Aug 21 13:48:22 EDT 2024

At their meeting on 19 August 2024, the ARIN Board of Trustees adopted the following:

* Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2023-5: Clean-up of NRPM Sections 4.3.4, 4.4, 4.10 and 6.10.1

This policy will be implemented by 19 November 2024, in accordance with their Staff and Legal Reviews, which rated their resource impacts as minimal.

The August 19 Meeting Minutes are pending publication.

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes are available at:

https://www.arin.net/about/welcome/board/meetings/ <https://www.arin.net/about/welcome/board/meetings/>

Draft Policy and Policy Proposal texts are available at:

https://www.arin.net/participate/policy/drafts/ <https://www.arin.net/participate/policy/drafts/>

The ARIN Policy Development Process (PDP) can be found at:

https://www.arin.net/participate/policy/pdp/ <https://www.arin.net/participate/policy/pdp/>


Eddie Diego
Policy Analyst
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

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