[arin-ppml] AC candidates

William Herrin bill at herrin.us
Sat Aug 10 23:02:04 EDT 2024

On Sat, Aug 10, 2024 at 5:51 PM John Curran <jcurran at arin.net> wrote:
> On Aug 10, 2024, at 6:52 PM, William Herrin <bill at herrin.us> wrote:
>> How many proposals would you say survive the process without the AC
>> changing something about the text?
> I would expect very few, if any, to proceed without some change to the text

Hi John,

Is that your final answer? It doesn't read to me like you completely
understood the question. I didn't ask how many proposals proceeded
without any modification, I asked how many proceeded without the AC
making the modification. A proposal which was adopted with only
modifications written by the non-AC author would satisfy the criteria
as certainly as proposals which were adopted without modification at

My rhetorical point, on the off chance you missed it, is that ARIN no
longer adopts proposals which have not endured committee-based
wordsmithing by the AC. While each of the AC members is an
acknowledged expert in the field, the death by committee effect is
evident in a way that wasn't true of the old IRPEP proposals.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin
bill at herrin.us

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