[arin-ppml] AC candidates

Fernando Frediani fhfrediani at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 16:11:01 EDT 2024

Before I forget I was meant to comment about this topic a while ago. I 
have to agree with below commends about how weird AC works.

For some that are used to be members, have been used with this structure 
and have the control to micro-manage things it may sound fine things the 
way they are, but I also find weird the way AC was structured in the 
past to have such tight control of these details and I felt the same 
comment below on one previous proposals.

The center of any proposal should always be on the author(s) and 
shepherds should only facilitate discussion both within the AC and with 
the community, but have very little input into modifying the text. Above 
all what should always prevail is the author's idea. If his/her idea is 
too much out of what the community understands or believe is good and 
the author is not willing to make any adjustments than it shall not 
reach consensus and life follows normally.

I also have a feeling that sometimes AC members personal view end up 
overcoming the author's original idea (maybe not intentionally I reckon) 
which should never happen and there should be a high level of attention 
from each one to try to eliminate anything related to their personal 
view when dealing with advancing that proposal or not. In short, AC 
should not ever act as a mini parliament to analyze merit of any 
proposals, but merely evaluate if there has been consensus from 
community about a proposal and of course if it matches whatever minimum 
necessary for a proposal to go through the whole policy development process.

For that reason I also don't see ARIN PDP as a proper PDP compared to 
all others and suggest all involved parties to think of modifications of 
the current structure to make it more centered on both author proposal 
idea and community as sovereign, of course along with ARIN Board to 
ratify proposals that may not bring any legal damage to the 
organization. Maybe there was a reason to have such a tight and 
concentrated power in the past when it was created, but now a days it 
doesn't seem the best in terms of balance between community and members 

Best regards

On 26/10/2023 15:11, jordi.palet--- via ARIN-PPML wrote:
> This hast not been my experience.
> In several of my proposals to the ARIN PDP, I was tied to follow the shepherds inputs, and I’m convinced that those proposals failed because that.
> And I recall one specific case, that the AC edits resulted in a major problem, requiring a new policy proposal to amend it back.
> That’s why I don’t really see the ARIN PDP as a “real” PDP compared to the other regions.
>> In my experience, the AC works very hard to remain true to the author’s
>> original intent and involve author(s) in the editorial process of a policy.
>> The AC is also extremely receptive to whatever community input is
>> available on a policy in most cases.
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