[arin-ppml] Policy Experience Report Working Group Leasing Question

Fernando Frediani fhfrediani at gmail.com
Sun May 7 19:26:40 EDT 2023

How on earth people are still considering such an absurd ? From time to 
time it seems that some people take turns in trying make IP leasing 
looks a normal thing, an acceptable using the same excuse that "the 
market already accepted" and throwing in the bin that IP addresses are 
for those who have a need justify for it. Rules have always been and are 
still based on that and companies always have received IP space based on 
their justified needs, not in the basis that they can pay more.

ARIN is no an IP factory that sells it as other companies manufacturer 
and sell servers or routers and as such should never even consider 
anything related to allocate IP space to those who can pay more instead 
of those who subjected themselves to the rules, to the same line and 
justify the need.

As times passes into IP exhaustion seems people keep trying to play 
smart to get an extra tiny portion of IP addresses as if that would make 
any difference to their business. Any left over IP space should be given 
only to newcomers in order to give them a chance to exist in the 
Internet and those who have already some get over with the reality of 
IPv4 exhaustion and find other ways to keep going with their business.


On 05/05/2023 14:21, John Santos wrote:
> Totally against.  This violates the principle of "justified need".  It 
> is rent-seeking.
> On 5/5/2023 11:54 AM, WOOD Alison * DAS wrote:
>> Good morning PPML!
>> I would like community feedback on the leasing of ip space that is 
>> obtained from the waitlist.  Please let me know what you think and if 
>> a policy proposal would be warranted.
>> Thank you!
>> -Alison
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