[arin-ppml] Revised and Retitled - Draft Policy ARIN-2021-6: Permit IPv4 Leased Addresses for Purposes of Determining Utilization for Future Allocations

ARIN info at arin.net
Wed Mar 9 23:23:59 EST 2022

The following Draft Policy has been revised and retitled:


* ARIN-2021-6: Permit IPv4 Leased Addresses for Purposes of Determining Utilization for Future Allocations


Revised text is below and can be found at:




You are encouraged to discuss all Draft Policies on PPML. The AC will evaluate the discussion to assess the conformance of this Draft Policy with ARIN's Principles of Internet number resource policy as stated in the Policy Development Process (PDP). Specifically, these principles are:


* Enabling Fair and Impartial Number Resource Administration

* Technically Sound

* Supported by the Community


The PDP can be found at:



Draft Policies and Proposals under discussion can be found at:





Sean Hopkins

Senior Policy Analyst

American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)





Draft Policy ARIN-2021-6: Permit IPv4 Leased Addresses for Purposes of Determining Utilization for Future Allocations


Problem Statement: Current ARIN policy prevents the use of leased-out addresses as evidence of utilization.


Policy statement:


Section 1.2 Conservation 




“Due to the requirement for uniqueness, Internet number resources of each type are drawn from a common number space. Conservation of these common number spaces requires that Internet number resources be efficiently distributed to those organizations who have a technical need for them in support of operational networks.”




“Due to the requirement for uniqueness, Internet number resources of each type are drawn from a common number space. Conservation of these common number spaces requires that free-pool (ASN & IPv6) and IPv4 wait-list Internet number resources be efficiently distributed to those organizations who have a technical need for them in support of operational networks.”


Section 1.4 Stewardship 




“The fundamental purpose of Internet number stewardship is to distribute unique number resources to entities building and operating networks thereby facilitating the growth and sustainability of the Internet for the benefit of all.”




“The fundamental purpose of Internet number stewardship is to distribute unique number resources to facilitate the growth and sustainability of the Internet for the benefit of all.”


Section 2.4 




“2.4. Local Internet Registry (LIR) A Local Internet Registry (LIR) is an IR that primarily assigns address space to the users of the network services that it provides. LIRs are generally Internet Service Providers (ISPs), whose customers are primarily end users and possibly other ISPs.”




“2.4. Local Internet Registry (LIR) A Local Internet Registry (LIR) is an IR that primarily assigns address space to users of the network. LIRs are generally Internet Service Providers (ISPs), whose customers are primarily end users and possibly other ISPs.”


Section 4.18 




“ARIN will only issue future IPv4 assignments/allocations (excluding 4.4 and 4.10 space) from the ARIN Waitlist.”




“ARIN will only issue future IPv4 assignments/allocations (excluding 4.4 and 4.10 space) from the ARIN Waitlist to those with operational need.”


Delete Section 8.5.2 Operational Use


Timetable for implementation: Immediate.

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