[arin-ppml] Deceased Companies?

Martin Hannigan hannigan at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 08:24:22 EDT 2022

On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 7:33 PM Ronald F. Guilmette <rfg at tristatelogic.com>

> In message <CAMDXq5NmX70aSW4ioASLDONrOAF+bzifctgJW9LrQOD-nZw=
> 9A at mail.gmail.com>,
> Martin Hannigan <hannigan at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >How big [real] is the problem? One body? Or five hundred?
> >>
> >> I had a premonition that someone might ask that.
> >>
> >> The honest answer is:  I don't know.  But I can certainly imagine [
> clip ]
> >
> >I don't doubt that this occurs. But I doubt its on such a scale to warrant
> >members absorbing costs to go on a witch hunt.  Willing to look at a data.
> (*) Witch hunt and batteries not included.
> But seriously, what basic bona fides does ARIN require these days just
> in order to open a membership, totally independent of any resource
> allocations?
> For a corporate entity?

You’d have to ask them, but presumably a filing with a secretary of state.
There’s nothing complicated about this. You fill out a form. You file it.
You pay a fee. You’re a corporation. You are now a listed corporation. You
can go a step further and do business in other states by filing a foreign
entity registration. (Foreign as in another state, not local to the State).
You can have your own Delaware LLC and IRS TIN in less than 30m and without
a lawyer if you really want to. Boring.

> For a natural person?

AFAIK sole proprietors aren’t allowed to obtain resources.

I'm seriously asking because I don't know.

Now you do.

Warm regards,

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