[arin-ppml] Deceased Companies?

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at tristatelogic.com
Mon Jul 25 11:34:16 EDT 2022

Please allow me to ask a different but related question.

As I understand it, all ARIN members are obligated, on an annual basis,
to pay a fee to ARIN for their membership, and also some additional fees,
again annually, based upon their assigned number resources, and more
specifically, based upon the number thereof.

If any of that is not correct, then I hope and trust that someone will
gently correct me.

Assuming that it is correct however, is there anything within either the
RSAs or within the NRPM that obliges member entities to make these annual
payments to ARIN themselves, directly?  Or may some third party make some
such payments on behalf of, say, some specific member entity?


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