[arin-ppml] Revised - Draft Policy ARIN-2021-4: Clarifications to Sections 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5.6

Mattapally Technologies technologiesmattapally at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 04:54:00 EST 2022

Great I agree your policy.

On Saturday, January 22, 2022, Scott Leibrand <scottleibrand at gmail.com>

> You answered an either-or question with a Y. I’m not on the AC, but if I
> were the shepherd on this proposal I would not be able to incorporate your
> opinion into my assessment of community consensus for or against this
> policy proposal. If you want your opinion to be considered, you might want
> to express it in English.
> Scott
> On Jan 22, 2022, at 12:16 PM, Mattapally Technologies <
> technologiesmattapally at gmail.com> wrote:
> Y
> On Saturday, January 22, 2022, Scott Leibrand <scottleibrand at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Are you disagreeing with Owen, or objecting to some part of the proposed
>> changes from 2021-4? If the latter, which change, and why? Despite my
>> initial concerns, it doesn’t appear that it actually changes policy with
>> regard to inter-region ASN transfers, which have been allowed for years.
>> Scott
>> On Jan 22, 2022, at 3:23 AM, Mattapally Technologies <
>> technologiesmattapally at gmail.com> wrote:
>> -1
>> On Friday, January 21, 2022, Owen DeLong via ARIN-PPML <
>> arin-ppml at arin.net> wrote:
>>> There’s a valid argument to be made that there is no longer any
>>> (technical) valid reason to treat 16 and 32-bit ASNs differently… ASNs are
>>> ASNs today.
>>> Owen
>>> On Jan 21, 2022, at 09:58 , Fernando Frediani <fhfrediani at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> I tend to think that transfers originally exists due to IPv4 exhaustion
>>> and that is justified. IPv6 and 32-bit ASN don't have the same
>>> justification, only 16-bit ASN.
>>> I would also like to understand it better.
>>> Regards
>>> Fernando
>>> On 21/01/2022 14:18, Scott Leibrand wrote:
>>> Are Inter-regional transfers of ASNs allowed via policy today? If not,
>>> this is a substantive change on that topic, and the draft policy should be
>>> retitled accordingly.
>>> I have no objections to allowing inter-regional ASN transfers, but would
>>> like to see an explicit argument if we are proposing to change whether it
>>> is allowed, even if that’s as simple as “some orgs want to do it”.
>>> Scott
>>> On Jan 21, 2022, at 7:42 AM, ARIN <info at arin.net> <info at arin.net> wrote:
>>> Inter-regional transfers of IPv4 number resources and ASNs
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