[arin-ppml] Deceased Companies

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Sun Aug 7 14:06:13 EDT 2022

On 6 Aug 2022, at 10:00 PM, Steven Ryerse <SRyerse at eclipse-networks.com<mailto:SRyerse at eclipse-networks.com>> wrote:
If this community wants more resources, the more obvious place to find them isn't some relatively small block held by an organization or individual that might be deceased, this community could try and convince the DoD to release some portion of their very large /8 assignments.  That could be fertile ground.  Who knows how many IPv4 addresses they are actually using and need.

I've never heard of it happening but it wouldn't surprise me if ARIN has quietly discussed this possibility with the DoD as some point.
We wouldn't hear about it unless resources were actually released.

Already happened (more than a decade ago): the US DoD, BBN, Stanford, Interop, etc. all returned some of their unneeded IPv4 resources after being approached by ARIN – the address space was returned, held for a period, and then issued by the policies in place at that time.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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